It’s a good thing to travel but leaving your home along for a substantial amount of time is always a gamble. That’s why we would like to share a couple of our top tips with you on what to make sure of before going on holidays in order to protect your home while you are on holiday.
1.) It’s a good thing to keep a good relationship with your closest neighbours as you can ask them to take care of your home or to instantly report if they see something out of the ordinary happening in or outside your home.
2.) Ask a friend to check in every once in a while to collect your post, water your plants, feed your fishes etc. It’s not only essential to keep your pets and plants alive, but it’s also important because this way everyone can see that there is traffic at your home, that it’s not left vacant.
3.) Get timers on your electronic devices, especially lamps or leave a light on
A permanently dark house calls for burglars therefore it’s highly advised to leave a light on, which is located at a secure place and ask a friend to turn it off and then turn another on, by the time of their visiting of your home. In case you want to be even more hassle free timers can help you by switching on the given light for you. Some can even turn the television or radio on, in order for everyone to think that someone is at home. While this may be a costly solution, it can definitely pay off, if you do it right.
4.) Take care of your surroundings
If you are to be gone for more than a month, ask a neighbour to call you a gardener or call him yourself and arrange a time when the lawn will be mowed and the garden will be cleaned.
5.) If you cannot collect it, stop it
There is a chance to actually stop your mails being sent out to you for a specified amount of time. You can also hire a safe at a post office and have them put everything that’s been sent for you over there. This is the safest and most secure solution, in case there is no one to collect your mails for you or if you want to be totally sure that your receive everything that was sent to you.
6.) Don’t close the blinds
Closing the blinds is a clear sign of the house being empty. Therefore rather enforce your window locks and window glasses, leave a small economic light on as if someone would stay in. You can also do a partial closing so that it’s not that obvious that no one is home.
7.) Absolutely make sure you lock all the windows and doors before you leave
Even in the age or smart phones and smart locks, this is one of the most common mistakes and reasons for easy burglaries.
For any further information on locks for windows and doors, please contact the next most reliable, certified locksmith service in your area.